Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Counting Blessings (A blog of my thoughts)

I have always considered myself a blessed person. I have two healthy parents who are absolutely crazy about each other, I am an only child and have always been spoiled beyond belief, I have always been the type of person who is surrounded by positive and caring friends who would do anything to support me, and I have the most amazing husband in the entire world who loves me for me. I have definitely seen some hard times and times of struggle, but all in all, I feel like my life has been wonderful thus far.

In the past 8 weeks of my life, so many things have changed. To name just a few, I am now the sole provider for my family, a "date night" for my husband and I now consists of me going to his hospital room and cuddling until we fall asleep, I have become very knowledgeable on matters of the brain and over all health, and I rarely have a moment of true relaxation. Donte and I once valued and prioritized in a certain way, and although at the time, the things we valued were of great importance, now we are understanding what truly matters; life has a funny way of using certain situations to clearly allow you to differentiate "wants" and "needs."  

As many things that have changed in my life, there is a lot that hasn't changed at all. My parents are still crazy about each other, my friends are still positive and would still do any and everything to demonstrate their love and support and I still have the most amazing husband in the world who loves me for me. Most importantly, even through this horrible situation, I still feel extremely blessed.

My husband is an amazing man and he is the strongest being that I have ever met in my entire life. I love him irrevocably and this situation has truly shown me the strength of our love and the importance of the vows that we made to each other on our wedding day. My husband and I were blessed when we met in 2007- because we were able to find love in its purest and truest form at the ages 18 and 20. There are some people who go their entire lives without finding love, there are people who die in pursuit of love. When things were a little more unknown with his medical stability and condition, I told my mother that as much as I want Donte to live, if he doesn't, I would not hold any hostility towards God or towards Donte because at the end of the day, I had found the love of my life and was able to spend a half decade with him by my side making memories filled with love and laughter. I told my mother that for that simple fact I was extremely blessed. Now that I know that Donte is in a wonderful medical position and now that I know he is progressing beautifully, I feel even more blessed because as lucky as we were to find love in each other the first time, we are even more blessed that God has allowed us a second chance at life and love again. I can firmly say that through the pain and tears that this situation has caused, my husband and I are falling in love with one and other all over again.

Sometimes in the darkest of tragedies, one finds the most blessings..
(Donte actually said that to me once..)

(Quick Donte Update: Rehab is going well- Donte is working hard and is a patient and pleasant individual to work with. His team of doctors, nurses, and therapists met today to discuss his progress. They have concluded that they expect Donte's stay to be between 4-6 weeks long, so by using that length of time, I have configured that Donte's discharge date will either be on April 17, 2013 OR May 1, 2013. He is getting his "tent" bed removed because he has been quite vocal in letting those around him know that he feels like a "caged dog in a kennel." In addition he has been able to eat 50% or more in all of his meals since he came to Rehab and has been taking his medication orally, crushed up in applesauce so they are looking to remove the feeding tube as soon as possible. Donte still requires maximum assistance on a majority of his movements but his therapists are saying that they are feeling more of his efforts to assist in every day movements and balancing.)

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