Birthdays are always special- but to me, the magnitude of a birthday and it being a celebration of life changes it's level of importance. This year- Donte turned 26 and the day really did start off harder for me than I expected. I woke up really angry because of the situation that he was in; I was mad that he was in the hospital, I was mad that he had to spend a birthday in the hospital and I was flustered by the thought of what Donte and I would be doing on this day, had none of this ever happened.
Somewhere during the day- I got some level of peace because I thought to myself that although this day was a bad one, it could still be worse: Donte could be unresponsive or unable to talk, Donte could still be in ICU in a coma or a vegetative state or, worse, I could have been going to visit Donte at his grave. This all goes back to counting blessings. Although I struggled with my day, I didn't burden Donte with that because I wanted his day to be as happy as possible, which is was. Donte had therapy, he went on an outing with the other patients on his floor- he went to Dairy Queen and got a blizzard, Donte had an amazing dinner from my parents: steak, shrimp, sautéed vegetables, piña colada and rice pudding, and Donte had a surprise party with some of his nearest and dearest. He laughed and smiled more than I have seen him in weeks. It really warmed my heart to see him so happy and excited. Seeing all of his loved ones surround him made him put a lot into perspective for me in making me realize that this is one year of many years. We have all had a "shitty" birthday that we can remember but there is always a "phenomenal" birthday that can be remembered as well. Considering everything I did to make his day perfect, I would say he had a pretty great day, but as the year goes on and Donte progresses the joys in life like birthdays and vacations will get better.
Donte is a goal oriented man who has made a tremendous improvement since being admitted. The doctors have informed me that he has defied many odds and that his case is quite remarkable. They have advised of what they are hopeful for (i.e., they do believe he may walk again) and they have advised what they don't think will happen (i.e., they don't he will be able to return to work), but I take all of that will a grain of salt because at one point the doctors thought Donte would not survive the week. It is any man's guess what my husbands gains will be, but in truth, it is only God's decision. I believe in my husband even when others are not as hopeful and even when he himself is not hopeful, I believe in him enough for everyone because I know his strength and have seen his strength in numerous facets. Donte LOVES and THRIVES off of proving people wrong and surprising them. God does things with a purpose and whatever his reason for keeping Donte here, the point is that Donte is here and he has a destiny to fulfill. If Donte never walks again- then fine, he still is very much aware cognitively and there are many many great things that have been done by those with physical deficits (i.e., someone gave me a good example with Steven Hawkings, thought to be the most intelligent man and physicist in the world but has paralysis from the neck down). Donte will still be able to do so much and I cannot wait to see his gains in the coming weeks because I am confident that he will realize how far he has come.
On that positive note, I will leave you with some pictures of the party!
Stay safe, Stay strong, Take care and Have HOPE!
Looking good my friend. I am glad to see you with a smile on your face.