Thursday, March 7, 2013

TBI Complications, thus far

There is no denying that with such a significant wound to the brain, that there would be some pretty significant complications. As of now, by God's grace, I don't think that there are any complications that are going to be completely "detrimental" to Donte. His only issues are some slight problems with chewing that are getting better with speech therapy. Donte is on puréed foods but he is starting to have soft solids introduced into his diet (in fact, today is his first day with a completely soft solid meal so that the speech therapist can test how he does. If he does well, it is soft solids indefinitely! Fingers crossed!). Donte is having some impulse issues where his responses are a little premature without being fully thought out. Donte is having issues with perseveration (i.e., repeating an act or word over and over. It is a response based on the fact that the individual can start a task and cannot stop it). Donte is struggling with initiation; he is a little slow to start tasks but it is getting a lot better with the speech therapist. Donte has a pretty good response time and his responses are almost always appropriate. Donte also has a little bit of confabulation (i.e., when he cannot remember details of a story, he will make up what he does my remember) but that is few and far between as the majority of his memory (short and long term) is intact and lucid. The biggest issue Donte is having is some very increased muscle tone in both legs and his left arm. Donte has so much tone in those extremities that it is causes severe spasms that are extremely painful. The tone also prohibits Donte from demonstrating his true range of motion (if any) in those extremities. The doctors are hopeful that with physical therapy and muscle relaxers that the tone will alleviate itself over time and they anticipate him being able to walk. The doctors are taking a new approach to the tone in his arm- they have given him Botox injections in the left arm in an attempt to weaken the muscle and possibly allow Donte to gain control over the arm. The dose of Botox lasts 3 months so hopefully we will see a decrease in tone and an increase in movement over the coming weeks. They won't be able to inject Botox in his legs because Botox injections are not as effective in the legs. Other than that, I cannot see too much of a difference. Donte is delayed and not as talkative, but he participates in conversations appropriately. And Donte really is still "my Donte" with his sweet responses and gestures. There is research that suggests that frontal lobe injuries change personality so one could worry that their loved one will never be the same. In many ways, they may not be. They may not be able to walk or drive or work or they may respond to situations differently or have difficulty responding emotionally. I try not to dwell on that because that would induce an anxiety attack. I believe that aspects of your personality may resonate in your frontal lobe, but I believe that there is something that makes you who you are and I believe THAT is in the heart and soul. That I believe NO ONE can touch or take from you. So I have no doubt that Donte will be himself. I spoke to someone a while back about the injury that my husband suffered and they have me the best advice ever. They told me not to let anyone take away my miracle. Donte is my miracle. He has been my miracle since he walked into my life in 2007. God is allowing my husband a 2nd chance at life, and God has allowed Donte and I a second chance at love. I cannot express how grateful I am for God's irrevocable love and mercy on my family and as much as I wish this situation could have just not happened, I cannot help but feel like there is some divine purpose and reasoning behind this; after all God works in mysterious ways.

Stay strong, Stay blessed, Take care, and HAVE HOPE!


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